Dear Reader,

I invite you to follow along with me in my journey in the next chapter of my life.  I’ve always had a great interest in ballet blogs and found they guided, inspired, and helped me through many situations in my own personal life as well as my dance life.  Through indulging myself in these blogs, I began to grow a deep desire to create my own public documentation via cyberspace.  I have always had a passion to write and find it being a happy place for me, therapeutic, and lots of fun! We all know timing is such a huge aspect in dance and even how our life evolves; for instance, what paths we choose, when successes or even failures blindside us in this journey of life, so timing this blog launch was not an accident.  As I am still in high school and simultaneously about to enter my 1st season as a full Company member next week, my blog will serve multi-purposes.  It will be a main part of my creative writing academic development for high school as well as a fun place for us all to travel through a real-time professional ballet career experience! My mission is for my content to not only attract ballet dancers to share my journey but for anyone who is out there open to risking it all in order to live their dreams creatively. It certainly won't be perfect but who doesn't have things they need to work on!  Sharing in this way, we can all grow and become empowered together. I am so excited to hear what you all are feeling and thinking as well!

So what are we waiting for?!

Immerse, Inspire, React

