Some Catching Up From Spring Jewels Solo to my Summer Solstice

It has been well over a month since the completion of my second season with PA Ballet.  We finished it off with a ballet gem (no pun intended) George Balanchine’s “Jewels”.  I always discover and learn something new about myself  and my dancing each and every time I get the honor to dance any of his ballets.  I performed the Solo Girl in the Rubies section and what exhilaration and freedom I felt onstage.  Dancing on top of the tricky Stravinsky score with lots of leg kicks, hips, jumps, and turns.  It was the first time I ever had to constantly count onstage while dancing a solo part, which made the role even more edgy for me.  Since then, I guested for a friend’s choreography performance in Philadelphia.  The experience was great and the performance was utterly rewarding, considering I performed a triple bill three nights in a row!  Even though I was rehearsing for this performance most days of the week, it wasn’t nearly as grueling as the usual rehearsal schedules are for me.  After the performances, I was able to spend some time at home with my family for two weeks.  I enjoyed every second of rest and relaxation, knowing a tough couple of weeks were ahead of me.  

Many dancers get lots of questions concerning what a professional dancer does when they are offseason.  Particularly during the summer since most companies go roughly August through May/June, except for some who have summer seasons.  What do we do with all of this free time? How do we stay in shape?  Some travel or visit their families for a summer of rest and recuperation, which was what I decided to do most of last summer when I wasn't dancing at my home studio in NC.  I have made the decision to be a student again for the summer.  Nourish my mind and body with new knowledge, of growing and learning more about my art form and myself.  Beginning last Monday, my partner Austin and I started attending the Ellison Ballet Summer Intensive.  A whole six weeks spent dancing in New York City.  I have not been this eager to learn in a long time and it will be incredible to meet new people and learn from new teachers.

Looking back on my years of being a student, I only ever attended two summer intensives that were away from my home studio other than my time in Japan; The Rock School for Dance Education in Philadelphia when I was 12 and Sarasota Cuban Ballet School when I was 13.  Then, Austin met Mr. Ellison this past January and fell in love with his Vaganova teaching method, the atmosphere of the school, and his hunger to push his pupils to the absolute limit.  I knew from his reports that this training would be extremely inspiring for me as well. Much like what I have been recieving as a pre-professional and professional in the Company. After hearing for months about Austin’s time at Ellison, we made the decision to attend the full summer program along with the Pas de Deux Intensive.  Treating the experience like everyone else, uniform, full class attendance and 150% effort in classes. Our first week has been incredible, I’ve already learned so much from the top-notch classes and met so many inspiring dancers and people. I can’t wait to make memories in the studios and the unbelievable city of New York.  

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer whether that is full of days in the studios or resting on the beach.  Coming back with a full report in six weeks! I am looking forward to sharing some super exciting news in the future as well!  Wishing everyone a safe (and early) Happy Fourth of July!


Sydney Dolan